Space flight simulation

Newtonian mechanics

Newton's second law

$$ \vec{F} = m \vec{a} $$

Newton's third law

For every reaction there's an opposite and equal reaction?

Conservation of momentum

Newton's law of universal gravitation

$$ \vec{F} = G \frac{m_{1} m_{2}}{r^2} $$

Appendix - Gravitational acceleration

Density, mass and volume

\( Mass = M = DV \)

\( grams(g) \)

The mass of a substance (its weight in grams).

\( Volume = V = \frac{M}{D} \)

\( \text{cm}^3 \) or \( millilitres(mL) \)

\( Density = D = \frac{M}{V} \)

\( \text{cm}^3 \) or \( mL \)

The density of a substance is the mass per unit of volume. \( g / \text{cm}^3 \)

Appendix - Density of elements and materials

Standard temperature and pressure(STP)

Temperature and pressure changes the phase of materials so they become more or less dense (Correct assumption?)

Wikipedia - STP Engineeringtoolbox - STP

Rocket materials

Materials making up the mass of a rocket.

Table shown here.

Rocket propellant

RP-1 Mixed with liquid oxygen

Rocket engines

Wikipedia - Specific impulse

The classical rocket equation

Euler's method

$$ \int_0^1 $$

Bring up that Youtube video again math gamedev euler integration (Jose rodriguez?)

Math for Game Developers - Particle Simulation (Numerical Integration)

Jamie Wong Simulating the physical world